Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cookie Sales!

Proof that we withstood the cold!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Newest Troop Photo






Part of the fun of Girl Scouts is having the chance to earn badges and we did that in the autumn of 2009. Here are some photos of our girls receiving those awards in December.

Kaylee is official!

Kaylee joined our troop at the end of last year and we wasted no time swearing her in as an official Girl Scout and a member of our troop!!! We are glad to be lucky enough to have her in our troop!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Treasure House found! :)

Last Saturday Cora, Alexis and I went door to door selling more cookies. Not only did each girl add to her sales total but we found the treasure house! For those of you who are not aware of what a treasure house is... I will explain.

There is (was) one treasure house in each service unit. For us that meant Teller County. If a girl knocks on the door of a home that iss a treasure house she wins a pizza party for her troop. Once the house is found the prize is gone. Cora and I have been scouring tons of neighborhoods in hopes of selling more cookies and of finding a treasure house. So we are thrilled that we were able to sell cookies with Alexis and to find the treasure too.

We did it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Say HELLO to Kaylee!

We have a new Girl Scout, and we are thrilled! Say HELLO to Kaylee. Her parents are Steve and Wendie, so if you see them at any of our activities, extend your hellos to them also.

Last Saturday the girls, Miss Pattie and I worked hard at the Christmas Bazaar and then enjoyed a lovely walk with the other Girl Scouts of our Service Unit in the town's parade. The entire day was wonderful until the last moments when Cora got sick.
Unfortunately I had little time to play photographer as we were all busy taking portraits of other scouts. Alexis' grandma did take some footage that night, and I will try to get a disc from her that I can share here at a later time.

Then Monday we took portraits of one another after welcoming Kaylee. Our girls have become fantastic photographers so please share your cameras often to keep them learning and growing in this artistry. The photos are below. Each girl took photos of one other girl. As you can see they all did wonderfully.
Miss Pattie:
Miss Kelly:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Pueblo Trip -- United We Stand Badge and the Zoo!

On Saturday, November 7th two of the girls, Miss Kelly and Miss Pattie, went on a road trip to Pueblo! We went to a badge workshop where we earned the United We Stand badge! (The whole thing!)

As part of it we were asked to write patriotic Haikus. If you don't know what a Haiku is ... it is a Japanese poem which is 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the third line. We would like to share our poems with you.

Alex wrote:

My country is free.
My mom serves it with courage.
She is my hero.

Cora wrote:

The great eagle soars
over our America.
It represents us.

Miss Kelly wrote:

Beloved country,
I served it with love and pride.
Go U.S. Air Force!

Miss Pattie wrote:

My America,
Country that I love dearly.
Be forever free.

ZOO. After working hard to earn the badges we then went to the zoo and had a blast! Here are a couple photos we would like you to see.